Thursday, February 18, 2010

Zen Management

I've been thinking about the concepts of leadership and management lately. A new career opportunity presented itself to me recently and, as is typical with the way my mind works, I started the contemplation process. Sounds official, doesn't it? It really isn't. It's my way of utilizing not only my mind but also my heart in making decisions. Much of life is based on choices we make and I am committed to making choices that allow me to enjoy the ride.

I've read lots of articles and books. I've listened to what leadership/management types have to say. So far, it looks pretty straight forward and in alignment with my way of thinking. Here's what I've come up with so far.

Leadership is about being calm and assertive. That's funny because it is also the general wisdom when dealing with animals. Keep your cool and maintain a demeanor that lets people know that you are in charge. I can dig that. I was born in the Chinese year of the dog. That doesn't really mean anything, I'm well aware of that, but I use it as a way of focusing skills I already have. I'm loyal (to myself, friends, and people I love), honest, and have a fundamental belief in justice. All of these things seem pertinent to being a good leader.

A good manager also should respect the people they work with. People perform better when they feel valued. A quick, sincere compliment given to a worker who has done their job well is a powerful tool. If you do good work as a manager, your team is going to be better equipped to handle things when they get weird. Treat people as though they are intelligent and valuable and they will tend to emulate those traits.

Embrace responsibility. Taking on responsibility is a great way to learn your strengths. This may well be the single most important component of being a great manager. You may make mistakes but you'll be a better person for it. Pay attention to these mistakes and you have improved your skills as a manager and as a human being. Encourage your employees to do the same. Help them to realize that they are strong and capable and they'll make your job easier. An entire crew of responsible people will make your business thrive.

The last tip to being a good manager is to be honest. Lying is disrespectful. I've heard all kinds of nonsense about when lying is appropriate. There is no such thing as a white lie. That term was invented by people who lie, plain and simple. Honesty is a sign of respect for both yourself and people around you. Besides, if you get caught in a lie, you usually end up looking like an idiot.

The question for this post: What traits do you look for and admire in a leader and why? Thanks for commenting.


  1. Integrity and discretion. Those are two qualities I think everyone should have, leader or not. My reasoning is that if you possess those qualities, then you are treating those around you with respect, and they can feel that. There are healthy boundaries in place.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I always appreciate hearing others thoughts.

    Integrity is pretty awesome. One of my favorite virtues. Discretion is a very thoughtful answer. Original, too. I'll have to sit with my feelings on discretion. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explore a whole new virtue. Gratitude.
